Beautiful, Springy, $L25... part 2!

by - 5:55 PM

Hey again! (I know, right? 2 posts in one day? woah.) I hadn't finished going through the $L25 Tuesday list for today when I posted my last post, but upon going through the rest of it, I found another lovely dress that I couldn't resist showing you guys! Paired with accessories from REIGN, nails from Dark Passions, and another (brand new!) skin from Lumae, this one is perfect if you're looking for something flirty!

If you're looking for something shorter and springy, EvilineInTheBox has you covered! This fun flirty shirt sundress comes in 4 different texture packs, and each one includes 10 colours! At just $L25 for today, this is such a steal of a deal!

My skin will actually be out tomorrow, March 1st at the Avenue event, which runs from the 1st through the 26th, but I thought I would give you guys a sneak peek a teeny tiny bit early. Yulia is a recent release from Lumae, and is a Lelutka applier! I'm wearing it on the new Stella Bento head, but it should work on most/all of Lelutka's heads. The skin will be discounted at $L245 for this event only, so grab it while you can! The pack includes:
  •  Lelutka Head Appliers
  • Maitreya, Belleza, SLink, Omega and TMP Body Appliers
  • LOGO, Bentbox, Soul Uni Ear Appliers
  • Leevi Ears in 3 sizes
  • FACELESS System skins (for use with mesh heads)
  • 5 Modifiable shapes 
  • Cleavage options on tattoo and undershirt layers
My nails are actually from this past years Vintage Fair, but are still available in the Dark Passions main store! I'm wearing them in the teal colour shown above in the red box, but the pack also includes 9 other colours, and there are appliers for Slink, Omega, and Maitreya available.

Style Card:

Skin: Lumae - Yulia - Tone 1 - Milk - Event item! - the Avenue event ($L245 per tone!)
Head: Lelutka - Stella BENTO
Body: Maitreya - Lara
Nails: Dark Passions - Vintage Vixen 
Hair: Besom - Tease - On sale for $L50 - 100% of sales benefit Spirits the cat! [INFO HERE]
Eyes: The Sugar Garden - Angel eyes - Hazel
Chokers: REIGN - Tattoo Choker - Moon
Tea: REIGN - Tea Fizzer - # 20
Necklace: Cute Poison - Mystiq Necklace Pt 3 Silver
Dress: EvilineInTheBox - Tabitha Dress - Satin Deluxe set

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