! femboy hunt !Backdrop cityburleycurelessEssencesfatherfemboy huntfoxcityLaqmichanpixel geekrobbie roo's whatchamagoosruetiqueTCGurlz
Some Femboy hunt fun!
Hey guys! The Femboy Hunt is going on right now and there's a whole bunch of really fun prizes. mThis is a $L2 hunt, and every prize is aimed at femboys, or those who don't exactly fit the gender binary. For the whole hunt rundown, check out this link: http://femboyhuntsl.blogspot.com/ I've picked just a small number of items to show off for you guys today, but there's plenty more surprises on the hunt! My styling ended up being more fem than boy, but I still think it ended up pretty cute!
Skin: Essences - Lucia - Pale #01 - previous LAQ powder pack item
Shape: Personal - made by me
Hair: Burley - Thor
Eyes: Cureless - Ophelia eyes
Head: LAQ - Scarlet
Makeup: FATHER - Casual makeup - gloss & Liner - FEMBOY HUNT PRIZE - $L2
Lashes: Michan - Momo lashes - previous LAQ powder pack item
Oufit 1: Robbie Roo's Whatchamagoos - Dancing Queen - FEMBOY HUNT PRIZE - $L2
Rainbow Top: Pixel Geek - Neda Shirt RAINBOW EDITION - FEMBOY HUNT PRIZE - $L2
Skirt: Pixel Geek -Vanilla Skirt - Plastic pack
Panties: TCGurlz - Hunt Thong w/ Ctrl Hud & Bonus VTech Crop Top - SB - FEMBOY HUNT PRIZE - $L2
Camisole Top: Ruetique - Casual Coordinates (also includes a crop top, a tank dress, and a cropped sweater, all in sizes for v-tech and slink petite) - FEMBOY HUNT PRIZE - $L2
Poses: Foxcity - Hypnose/Lucid/Loco/Oki Doki
Background: Backdrop City